NM4 Crossing and Multi-Use Trail Improvement Project

  • Project typeMulti-Use Trail (Design Phase)
  • Project value$250,000 Design
  • Project scheduleDesign Completion Summer 2025
  • Contractor nameBohanan Huston Inc.

Los Alamos County Public Works Department invites the public to attend a second public input meeting regarding the upcoming NM4 Crossing and Multi-Use Trail Improvement Project. Public meeting presentation(PDF, 5MB)

This project includes the design and construction of both new and reconstructed multi-use trails along NM4 between Sherwood Blvd. and La Vista Dr. and within Piñon Park in White Rock. The planned improvements will enhance connectivity and safety for pedestrians and cyclists. At this meeting the following will be presented:

  • Reevaluation of the location for the Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon Crossing (HAWK Signal)
  • Reevaluation of the NM4 Westbound Lane Reduction between Sherwood Blvd and La Vista Dr.
  • Reevaluation of the Trail location along the northside of NM4
  • Update on the Piñon Elementary School Trail 

The meeting will address comments and questions raised during the initial public session and provide additional information to the community.

If you are unable to attend the meeting in person, you may also join or participate via the following Zoom meeting link: 

The meeting will take place on February 6, 2025, at 5:30 PM at the Municipal Building Council Chambers.

Zoom link for virtual attendance: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81357060773

If you cannot attend the public meeting but wish to submit comments, please email them to lacpw@lacnm.us by February 20, 2025.

The County Project Team has developed a Public Information/Involvement Plan(PDF, 581KB)  to inform and gather input on the project.

Link to December 5, 2024 public meeting presentation.(PDF, 6MB)

Project Scope

Los Alamos County has received Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement (CMAQ) funding from the New Mexico DOT for the design and construction of a new multi-use trail along the northside of NM4 and reconstruction of the existing multi-use trail along the southside of NM4 connecting to a new enhanced midblock at-grade crossing across NM4 between La Vista Drive and Sherwood Boulevard in White Rock. As part of the design process a reduction in lanes on NM4 is being evaluated to reduce the westbound direction from the existing 2 lanes to 1 as will the need for a Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon (HAWK) to further enhance the midblock crossing.  The project also proposes construction of a trail network within the Pinon Park, County owned open space that will include new trail alignments and reconstruction of selected existing trail alignments originally constructed in the late 1980s where the pavement surface has exceeded its life and is no longer ADA compliant.  The project will include approximately 2,500ft of new multi-use trail alignment and approximately 3,500ft of reconstructed multi-use trail alignment along NM4 and within the County owned Pinon Park. The County is also in discussions with Los Alamos Public Schools to obtain an easement to allow for inclusion of the reconstruction of the existing trail alignment along the west side of Pinon School from Pinon Park to Grand Canyon.  

This project supports two of Council's Strategic Goals; investing in infrastructure and enhancing communication. This project provides maintenance and improvements to existing infrastructure. The enhancement of communication strategic goal is being accomplished by engaging the public and coordinating citizen involvement and feedback as a key part of the project development process. 

Download the (JPG, 130KB)NM4-Trail-Project-Map.pdf(PDF, 6MB)



Piñon Park, White Rock NM, White Rock, NM   View Map

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