Utility Work Impacting Roadways

DPU Traffic Cones.jpeg

Bryce Avenue (2/20 - 2/21)

Fire Hydrant Replacement in White Rock (2/20 - 2/25)

Thur., Feb. 20 - Tues., Feb. 25

(Posted 2/18/2025, Updated 2/20/2025)

A Department of Public Utilities crew will begin replacing a fire hydrant at Bryce Avenue and Aragon Avenue in White Rock on Thursday, February 20.  Work will take place from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and should be completed by Tuesday, February 25.  There will be a sidewalk closure due to shoulder work and motorists should be aware of traffic control signs.  


Oppenheimer Dr. (starting 2/18)

Oppenheimer Electric Primary Replacement (starting 2/18)

Beginning as early as Tuesday, February 19 (weather permitting)

(Posted 2/14/2025)

The primary electric service along Oppenheimer Drive will be replaced to improve electric reliability. This project is expected to last about two months. DPU's contractor, SanbrosCorp,  will begin by excavating a 24" trench in the asphalt parallel to Oppenheimer Drive as close to the curb on the west side of the street as possible. Cones will be placed around the work zone. SanbrosCorp will open a section of trench, block it off tightly with cones, and continue trenching. The contractor will then install conduit and caution tape, backfill, and tamp the trenched area. The cones will then be moved to the next section to be trenched. The sidewalk will remain open. 

Residents along Oppenheimer are asked to refrain from parking on Oppenheimer between Loma Vista Trinity for the duration of the project. 

Details will be updated here as work progresses.

Questions or concerns may be addressed to DPU Associate Engineer Mariano Montoya, Mariano.Montoya@lacnm.us(505) 709-8690.

Oppenheimer Drive Map

North Road (2/19 - 2/20)

North Road Sewage Lift Station Rehabilitation (2/19 - 2/20)

Wed., Feb. 19 - Thurs, Feb. 20

(Posted 2/6/2025)

L.A. Inc. will be removing a large pine tree on North Road between Quemazon Place and Diamond Drive. The east-bound lane of North Road will be closed from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Detour signs and traffic controls will be in place.

Cone Zone Feb 19


NM-4 (2/12/2025 - 1/31/2026)

NM-4 Water Transmission Line Replacement/Fiber Conduit Installation

February 12, 2025, through January 2026

(Updated 2/6/2025)

Two work zones will be set up along NM-4 for this project. Work will begin at Rover Boulevard in White Rock and move along NM-4 toward NM-502 as the project progresses. While one lane will remain open for each direction of traffic along most of the NM-4 stretch, there may be a one-lane closure with flaggers within White Rock. Drivers are asked to obey traffic controls and exercise patience while passing work zones.

Project Web Page




Contact details

Customer Care Center
(505) 662-8333