Business Licenses & Registrations
"Any person, group, organization, business or entity proposing to engage in business within the County and that is required by the state to pay gross receipts taxes on its business is required to apply for a business registration or business license and pay the applicable fee." (Los Alamos Code of Ordinances, Chapter 12)
What information is required to get a Los Alamos Business License?
- A State of New Mexico CRS Identification Number (tax ID) is required prior to submission of an application for a business license or registration. Contact the State of New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department to register your business.
- All food service businesses are required to obtain a Food Service Permit from the State of New Mexico Environment Department; their nearest district office:
712 La Joya Street
Española, NM 87532
Phone (505) 753-7256
Fax (505) 753-1840
- Complete a Business License Application.
- Pay the required application fee in cash or by check made payable to Los Alamos County.
Home Based Business
If you are registering a home-based business special information is required. More information is in your application packet.
Provide a Statement of Intent that includes:
- a. Type of business
- b. What you will be doing in this type of business
- c. Hours of operation
- d. Days of operation
- e. Will there be customers at the residence (approximately how many a day)
- f. What will be stored at the residence (vehicles, inventory, etc,)
- g. Will there be employees and if so how many
- h. List any hazardous or flammable materials stored at the residence and indicate where they will be stored both on the Statement of Business Intent and the Survey.
If you do not own the home, provide a letter signed and dated from the landlord allowing you to operate this business from the residence.
Business licenses and registrations are non-transferrable. Should you change your location, cancel the existing business license and re-apply.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is the cost for a license or registration?
The annual business license fee is $35 except for the following types of business that are $50:
- Food Establishments
- Junk Dealers
- Pawn Shops
- Itinerant Salespersons, Vendors (must pay in cash and if selling food must obtain a food service license from state)
- Swimming Pools
- Auto, Tourist, RV, Camps, and Campgrounds
- Boarding Houses, Motels, Hotels and B&Bs
- Pinball, Video, Jukebox and other token games
Q: How do I renew my license?
A: Each year on the anniversary of your license, you will be sent a renewal form in the mail. Review the form for correctness, sign and submit the form with your fee. A new license will be mailed to you. You can also pay your fee in person at the CDD office, 1000 Central Avenue, Suite 150.
Q: What if my Physical Address has changed?
A: If your business moves to a new location you must cancel your existing license and submit an application for the new location.
Q. What if my Mailing Address or Phone Number changes?
A: Please update that information on your renewal form. Additionally, you can contact our office anytime at (505) 662-8120.
Q. What if I am no longer doing business in Los Alamos County?
A: If your business closes, please contact us. You can return the renewal form with a written statement informing us of the closure. Please also sign and date the form.
Q: What if I sell the business?
A: If you sell the business close the present business license. The new owner must apply for a license with all of their information.
Business Licenses are Non-Transferrable