Climate Action Plan Community Workshop

Photograph of a tree in the snow. Top half of the image is a red box with white text

Join us for an interactive community workshop (in person or via Zoom) to learn about and share your input on the Climate Action Plan under development.


We will focus on reviewing the findings of the recently completed greenhouse gas inventory report(PDF, 790KB) that analyzed the sources and levels of greenhouse gases emitted within the county and a list of climate actions strategies(PDF, 706KB) presented at the March 5 Council meeting. Throughout the presentation participants will have the opportunity to discuss and contribute to the development of various strategies. 


Feedback received will be used to develop a draft Climate Action Plan that effectively reduces greenhouse gas emissions, is consistent with the County Council goals, and reflects the community's values and aspirations. 


We anticipate that the draft plan will be ready to present to the County Council in late June or early July. At this point, we will accept public comment on the draft plan after the meeting for a duration of time, still to be determined, to inform the development of the final plan. The County Council will consider the adoption of the final Climate Action Plan in the fall 2024. 


For more information on the Climate Action Plan, surveys and the greenhouse gas inventory please visit  


  • Tuesday, April 02, 2024 | 06:00 PM - 07:30 PM


You can also join via Zoom. Zoom link is in the side panel.

Municipal Building, Council Chambers, 1000 Central Avenue, Los Alamos,NM, 87544, View Map

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