New Year' Day Observed

Next date: Thursday, January 01, 2026 | 12:00 AM to 11:59 PM


Los Alamos County is closed. Essential personnel for police, fire and utility stand-by crews continue to provide service 24/7.  

For emergencies call 911.  For utility emergencies related to electricity, gas, water and sewer call police dispatch at 505.662.8222

Other County facilities may have modified hours and services. Check the following department pages for more information on holiday hours and closings.

Eco-Station - Trash pickup and recycling schedule

Recreational Facilities

Ice Rink
Golf Course
Larry R. Walkup Aquatic Center

Library - Mesa Public and White Rock Branches

Transportation - AtomicCityTransit



  • Thursday, January 01, 2026 | 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM
  • Friday, January 01, 2027 | 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM
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