Economic Vitality Strategic Plan
The 2019 Economic Vitality Strategic Plan (EVSP)(PDF, 4MB) presents a 10-year vision of what is desired from our local community in the future within the context of the current and predicted economic environment. This plan was created by the County Manager’s Economic Vitality Action Team (EVAT) members. It replaces the initial EVSP that was developed and adopted by the County Council on April 5, 2010. EVAT members extensively reviewed the 2010 plan goals and actions to determine what had been accomplished, what issues were still relevant, and what new issues, initiatives, County priorities, and projects should be added. Since 2010, Los Alamos County has accepted strategic plans for wayfinding, branding, and tourism, as well as a Comprehensive Plan. These strategic plans that impact the progress and implementation of this EVSP have been noted to ensure their future coordination. The 2019 plan provides the basis for aligning actions, services, and projects to further the Council’s strategic goals. It will also improve the County’s ability to communicate its economic goals and initiatives to Los Alamos citizens, prospective residents, and potential investors.
Below are all approved County Plans for the Community Development Department.
Community Development
- Affordable Housing Plan 20100114(PDF, 4MB)
- Brand Action Plan 201703(PDF, 2MB)
- Comprehensive Plan 2016(PDF, 32MB)
- Creative District Plan 201106(PDF, 3MB)
- Economic Vitality Strategic Plan 20190528(PDF, 4MB)
- Fuller Lodge Interpretive Plan 201806(PDF, 12MB)
- Historic Preservation Plan September 2008(PDF, 357KB)
- Housing Needs Analysis 20191210(PDF, 3MB)
- Los Alamos Downtown Master Plan 202110(PDF, 53MB)
- North Mesa Housing Study 202010(PDF, 15MB)
- Regional Economic Development Implementation Plan 200902(PDF, 668KB)
- Tourism Strategic Plan 20180216(PDF, 5MB)
- Tourism Task Force Council Recommendations 2020(PDF, 174KB)
- White Rock Town Center Master Plan 202110(PDF, 30MB)