Metropolitan Redevelopment Area - Los Alamos

Proposed East Downtown Los Alamos MRA.png

Los Alamos County, in collaboration with its Metropolitan Redevelopment Area (MRA) partners—the Los Alamos Commerce & Development Corporation and New Mexico MainStreet—is working on a Metropolitan Redevelopment Area Plan for East Downtown Los Alamos aimed at enhancing the downtown area’s vibrancy by identifying community-supported projects, programs, and policies while leveraging development and incentive tools.

The MRA Plan follows the New Mexico Metropolitan Redevelopment Code, which enables cities and counties to address development challenges through public-private partnerships focused on revitalization.

This designation is the first step toward revitalizing the area, supported by the East Downtown Los Alamos MRA Designation Report, which highlights conditions requiring public investment. (Read the Frequently Asked Questions and corresponding Answers). 

Next steps

As of December 16, the MRA team is soliciting feedback. Note that the deadline has been extended until January 7, 2025 at 5 p.m.  Subsequently the MRA team will provide an update and the draft Plan to the County Council in January, with the goal to bring a final Plan to be considered for adoption in February/March 2025.  

Submit feedback now

Tools and Strategies

The Metropolitan Redevelopment Area (MRA) Plan provides access to various tools to revitalize Los Alamos, including:

  • Tax abatement
  • Land acquisition or assemblage
  • Financial incentives

These tools aim to address the identified issues and achieve the goals of the Downtown Los Alamos Master Plan(PDF, 53MB). The MRA Plan complies with the New Mexico Metropolitan Redevelopment Code, which allows cities and counties to address development barriers, often through public-private partnerships. All actions are designed to improve the area and realize the Master Plan's vision.

Once Adopted

Once adopted, the MRA designation in Los Alamos Townsite enables public resources to support private redevelopment projects, sparking new investment. This designation is the first step toward a comprehensive redevelopment plan informed by community input and economic analysis. Next steps include considering creating a MRA Agency that will review potential projects and make recommendations to county council on whether the County will be a partner in a project.

Addressing Key Issues

  • Vacant and Underutilized Properties: High levels of vacant storefronts, especially in the former Mari Mac Shopping Village, inhibit growth.
  • Low Commercial Activity: Persistent challenges in attracting and retaining tenants has negatively impacted downtown economic vitality.
  • Deteriorating Structures: Many buildings are in poor condition and need updates to attract new tenants and investments.
  • Deteriorating Infrastructure: Issues include outdated narrow sidewalks, unmaintained pavement and landscaping, and deficient access to commercial properties.

Project Journey and Public Meetings

  • Future Steps: Revisions of the draft plan will be made in the beginning of 2025. We anticipate the drafted plan to be presented to Council in February and March 2025.
  • Current Status: On December 16 a Community Forum was held titled "Community Forum: East Downtown Los Alamos MRA Draft Recommendations & Feedback." The slides for the hybrid presentation can be found here and you can watch the recording below. Community members are encouraged to leave feedback online beginning December 16, 2025. Note that the deadline has been extended to January 7, 2025 at 5 p.m.


  • Public Town Hall: A town hall was held for insight and questions about the MRA plan on June 27, 2024, at Fuller Lodge from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Click here  to view the slides from Groundwork Studio at the Town Hall. You can watch the online recording of the town hall below. An online survey was available June 27 - July 11, 2024.

  • Boundary Approved: The proposed East Downtown Los Alamos MRA Boundary was presented at the county council meeting and approved by Resolution No. 24-08(PDF, 1MB)  at the May 7, 2024 Council meeting.
  • Introduction Presentation: An introductory presentation about the MRA initiative, the benefits and the timeline to the County Council on February 20, 2024
  • Initial Assessment: Assessments in May and December 2023 documented physical conditions, identifying factors contributing to blight conditions.
  • Community Engagement: Since late 2018, Los Alamos MainStreet has engaged with local business and property owners about the benefits of the MRA zone.
  • Master Planning: The County, with consultants Dekker/Perich/Sabatini (DPS), initiated Downtown Master Plans and Development Code Updates for White Rock and Los Alamos.


Questions and FAQs

For more information about this MRA initiative, please contact Shanna Sasser, Economic Development Administrator. You can also explore the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section and the corresponding answers.