Fire Station # 3

Fire Station 3
129 State Road 4
Los Alamos, NM 87544
The newest of the stations, Fire Station 3 was built in its current location in White Rock in 2008. This state of the art station has received several national awards for its design and function ability. This station is equipped with 5 large drive-through bays, 24 private sleeping quarters, 12,000 square feet of living quarters, offices, work out area, and a 65 seat classroom. The first due response units include: 1 Engine Company, 1 Truck Company, 2 Medic Units, a Compressed Air Foam Tender, and a Mini-Tender. This station also houses reserve units and response trailers along with the Hazardous Materials unit and the LAFD Mobile Command Unit (MOC). This station is owned by the County.
Station 3 is staffed with ten personnel. Staffing consists of two Company Officers, two Driver Engineers, and six Firefighters. One or more of these positions is at the Paramedic level.