Traffic and Streets Division
The Traffic and Streets Division oversees traffic and street operations, including maintenance of traffic signals, school flashers, site distance, streetlights, signs, traffic safety, and pavement markings, potholes, concrete curb and gutter, drive-pads (apron area where the driveway meets the street), sidewalk repair, and right-of-way vegetation control. Curb Cut and Excavation Permit(PDF, 4MB) .
This Division also performs professional traffic engineering services including traffic impact studies, traffic counts, speed studies, pedestrian walkability, bicycle accessibility, and various other traffic engineering studies and reports. This Division also provides interdepartmental support within the County and manages the Neighborhood Traffic Management Program(PDF, 102KB) , a program designed to help residents address neighborhood traffic problems, such as speeding.
The Traffic and Streets Division also publishes the annual Snow and Ice Control Plan that establishes guidelines for winter storm emergency response. The FY25 Snow and Ice Control Plan(PDF, 12MB) has been approved. Please keep in mind that this document is an operational planning document subject to change based on actual field conditions.
An approved Traffic Permit is required for any activity that impedes traffic on public streets or sidewalks in the County. Such activities include: construction, excavation, block parties, parades and marathons, movement of hazardous waste or oversize vehicles, etc. All Traffic Permit Applications(PDF, 63KB) must be reviewed and approved by the Traffic & Streets Division.
Have you noticed a traffic-related problem? If so, please tell us! If the concern is with a traffic signal, it is very helpful if you can specify the location, which direction you were traveling, whether it involves the pole (vertical) or mastarm (horizontal) signal, approximately what time you noticed the problem, along with a brief explanation of the problem you experienced.
Traffic and Streets Division
101 Camino Entrada, Building 1, Suite 216
Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 7:00 am to 4:00 pm
Phone: (505) 662-8113
Fax: (505) 662-8415