County Council

Council Group Portrait 2025


Our governing body is the Council of the Incorporated County of Los Alamos, as was established in the Los Alamos County Charter. The Council consists of seven councilors elected at large for four-year, staggered terms. A chair and vice chair are elected each January from within its membership. 

Los Alamos County was created under a special provision in the state constitution, providing both county AND municipal authorities. We also enjoy the flexibility afforded home rule after our citizens voted to adopt a home rule charter.


Regular and Work Sessions

The council generally meets three Tuesdays each month - regular, work, and regular sessions. Agendas are posted 72 hours in advance and are available using the link "Read/View" image on this page.

Special Meeting

The council chair or a majority of the council members may call a special meeting with 72 hours notice.

Closed Meetings

Closed meetings are held as deemed necessary by council leadership with 72 hours notice. Council agendas are prepared and posted at least 72 hours before the council meeting. The agenda for every regular council meeting includes time for comments from the public on items not listed.


Except on procedural motions, voting is by a roll call of the entire council and is recorded in the minutes. No action of the council is valid unless adopted by the affirmative vote of at least four members. A quorum consists of four council members.



Plans & Rules

Strategic Leadership Plan Sets Annual Goals

Each year, councilors meet to discuss their Strategic Leadership Plan, which includes goals and objectives for the upcoming year. Updates are made in public meetings, and the final Plan is adopted at a council meeting. The last Plan was adopted at the December 3, 2024 Council meeting. Read the2025 Strategic Leadership Plan(PDF, 269KB).

County Council Rules

LOS ALAMOS COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEDURAL RULES(PDF, 868KB) updated and adopted on December 12 2023, govern the conduct of council meetings, closed sessions, the appointment of committees, and much more! Note: Rules are not necessarily updated yearly.