DWI Program

dwi program logo

The Los Alamos County DWI program was created to help with incidences of DWI, alcoholism, alcohol abuse, alcohol-related domestic violence and underage drinking in Los Alamos County.

The Program Provides the Following:

Alcohol & Substance Abuse Prevention

  • Evidence-based Prevention are in place to address the needs of all community members, including school students, to educate individuals about the risks of drinking and driving, behavior change and underage drinking prevention.



  • Monthly meetings are held to coordinate the efforts of law enforcement agencies in Los Alamos County. These agencies collaborate in conducting activities such as DWI checkpoints, DWI saturation patrols, DWI warrant enforcement, public educational events, and underage drinking enforcement efforts.


Screenings/Compliance Monitoring

The Los Alamos County DWI Program supports screening of DWI Offenders. The mandatory screening process generates data on DWI offenders for a state-wide database. DWI offenders are closely tracked to ensure compliance with court ordered sanctions



  • The Coordination, Planning and Evaluation component is administered by a professional responsible for oversight of all local DWI program efforts: monitoring all activities; budgeting, planning and funding requests; development, maintenance and reporting on all requirements; evaluation of the grant project progress and impact; submission of all required financial and program reports; staffing the Local DWI Planning Council; and attending DWI Grant Council meetings


Public Information & Education


  • DWI Offenders are screened and assessed. A Licensed therapist completes a detailed assessment with each offender individually, determines the level of care that is appropriate based upon the severity of the offender’s alcohol problems and makes a recommendation for necessary treatment. If a recommendation is made, it becomes mandatory for an offender to complete the treatment per court sentence. There are several programs that assist offenders pay for their treatment.
  • The Los Alamos DWI Program also participates in the RACSTOP Program.



DWI Publications

MADD New Mexico's Quarterly Newsletter -Spring 2021(PDF, 7MB)
A representative of L.A.W. Publications is working with us in our ongoing crime prevention, safety education, and substance abuse programs. Our representative, Jay Vanry, is in the process of contacting local businesses for sponsorship of our DWI program literature brochures that are to be distributed to our local High School and Middle School. You can assist us by allowing the L.A.W. Publications’ representative a few moments to explain this project and how you, as a sponsor, can help provide this valuable information to our community. For additional information regarding L.A.W Publications Click Here

The New Mexico Department of Transportation Traffic Safety Division (NMDOT-TSD) unveiled its newest campaign to curb drunk driving, distracted driving, and lack of seatbelt use.


Additional resources related to Alcohol Awareness:

  • "Talk. They Hear You"
    • The App features an interactive simulation that helps you learn the do's and don'ts if talking to kids about underage drinking. Using the avatars, you will:
      • Practice bringing up the topic of alcohol
      • Learn questions to ask
      • Get ideas for keeping the conversation going
    • Learn more about goals for this important conversation and find other tips and information about helping to prevent underage drinking on the Parent Resource page.
    • The app is available on iOS app store, Google Play, Windows store, and windows phone store.
    • Social Media Campaign information(PDF, 5MB)
  • Alcohol & Your College-bound Child
    • College is a significant investment of time and money. Help ensure that your young adult gets the most out of the college experience. What you say, or do not say, about alcohol can make a lifetime of difference. Talk with your college bound young adult about alcohol. Resources to help: Click here(PDF, 1MB) for a resource document.
    • Myths vs. Facts(PDF, 1MB)
  • The Treatment Connection(PDF, 5MB) offers New Mexico-wide coverage of addiction and mental health services with trusted treatment facilities.
  • Talking with your kids about alcohol early and often is the best way to keep them safe. Remember to continue these conversations past elementary and middle school. If your son or daughter is in high school, click here.


For more information, please contact:

Compliance - Exit Survey

Please take the time to fill out this survey regarding your experience with the DWI compliance office.

Survey Link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/JFNXCHB

QR code

English and Spanish versions are available within the survey.

Additional Information and Resources for Adults

New Mexico State DWI Program Information

Local DWI Grant Program Admin Guidelines 

AlcoholFX app
Free, science-based app that teaches students ages 10 - 12 how alcohol can harm their brains. A useful tool for parents, teachers, and students. App is available for tablets only.

Substance Abuse and Addiction Resources:

Blood Alcohol Calculator: The Virtual Bar

Additional Information and Resources for Youth

College-bound and Alcohol
College is a significant investment of time and money, ensure you get the most out of your college experience. What you say, or do not say, about alcohol can make a lifetime of difference. Talk with your parents or trusted friend/advisor about alcohol.
Click here(PDF, 1MB) for resources to help.

AlcoholFX app
Free, science-based app that teaches students ages 10 - 12 how alcohol can harm their brains. A useful tool for parents, teachers, and students. App is available for tablets only.

Get the Facts About Drugs: Just think Twice Website
Informational site about drugs and how to live a drug free life.

Seven ways to help you de-stress

Increase awareness about the causes of stress and ways to control the stress in our lives. Check out these drug-free habits that could help support you.

Additional Information and Resources for Youth

Información sobre drogas

Substance Abuse and Addiction Resources: