Ashley Pond is a Wildlife Protected Area in Los Alamos County
Section 6-21. of Los Alamos County Code states: The county declares Ashley Pond as a wildlife protected area within Los Alamos County. It is unlawful for anyone, other than the county or other governmental officials, to desert, abandon, introduce or dispose of any animal, fish, bird, or reptile into the Ashley Pond Wildlife Protected Area. It is unlawful for any person other than the county or other government officials, to remove, catch, injure, maim, or kill any animal from the Ashley Pond Wildlife Protected Area.
- Please BE KIND to all animals at the pond.
- Please remember the Geese can bite.
- DO NOT feed them bread or French fries.
What does the Los Alamos County Code say about dogs?
County Code, Chapter 6. Animals (Ordinance 02-076 updated 6-11-2024)
Animals that are off the owner’s premises need to be on a leash (Sec. 6-3).
The County does have provisions for “voice and sight control” for dogs to allow them to be off-leash (Sec. 6-4) in designated areas, including R-A zoned areas of the county, the stable area, Los Alamos County Trail Network trails, which are on County land. The County also has dog parks in both Los Alamos and White Rock where dogs can run and play off-leash.
Unreasonable animal noise (i.e. barking dogs) is prohibited under Sec. 6-6.
Section 6-8 makes it unlawful for the keeper of a dog to fail to promptly remove and dispose of excrement – the County supplies “baggie stations” in most of its County parks to encourage cleaning up – but please clean up after your pet when walking them on city streets and sidewalks, too!
What can I do about unreasonable animal noise?
If you'd like to report unreasonable animal noise, you can file a complaint three ways 1. Complete the online form, 2. Call the Centralized Dispatch Center or 3. Call Animal Control. Please do not not to use the Community Development Department’s anonymous nuisance code complaint form to report animal noise issues. For an investigation to proceed, the LAPD and Animal Control require the name and contact information of the complainant.
Online Form
Centralized Dispatch Center (CDC):505-662-8222 or 877-261-4090 (TTY capable and translation services)
Animal Control: 505-662-8179 to speak to an Animal Control Officer with any questions you may have regarding animal noise complaints.
Our officers will respond in accordance with the 411 Barking Dogs/Unreasonable Animal Noise Policy.
411 Unreasonable Noise Policy(PDF, 85KB)
Additionally, Animal Control Officers can meet with you to discuss enforcement or to assist in mediation. There are various steps to alleviate nuisance animal noise.
The Animal Shelter can provide anti-bark collars on loan for residents to determine if collars provide a viable solution to their barking problem.
Can I take my dog to parks or on trails?
Dogs are welcome in our parks and on trails and must be leashed except in designated areas for “voice and sight control.” Owners are required to clean up after their dogs in parks, on trails, and while walking on sidewalks. If you are looking for a place to take your dog where they can interact and socialize with other dogs, Los Alamos County has two dog parks where dogs can run off-leash and engage in canine interaction. Both parks are fenced, have water and benches, and provide bags and garbage cans so, you may pick up after your canine companion. Dogs must be friendly and current on all vaccinations. Overlook Park in White Rock—East of the baseball fields—Minimal shade and grass surfaces East Park in Los Alamos—North of the play lot towards canyon rim—Shade and grass surfaces.