Adopt-A-Road Program

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The Los Alamos County Adopt-A-Road Program provides a great opportunity for both volunteer and sponsor groups to promote civic responsibility and community pride. 



When you join Los Alamos County’s Adopt-A-Road program, you become a vital part of a partnership that is dedicated to keeping Los Alamos clean and beautiful. No special skills or experience are required – just a commitment to the community and concern for the environment.



Interested in participating in the program?

Step 1.Guidelines

Read the program guidelines(PDF, 609KB).

Step 2.Application

Complete the application.


Step 3.Next Steps

A coordinator will notify you when the application has been approved and will assist you in getting started.

Next Steps

Step 1.You've been approved.

Congratulations! Staff has contacted you and you are ready to plan your event to clean your road segment.

Pick your date and time, watch the safety video and complete the form below.

Step 2.Safety

There is nothing more important than staying safe while picking litter. A piece of litter is not worth risking your life over. This video covers several things to keep in mind while picking. Please watch and share with your friends!


Step 3.Important Documents

Complete the online request for supplies form 7 days prior to your event.

Request for supplies form.

Post Cleanup

The following should be done post cleanup:

  1. Verify that the waste has been hauled to Environmental Services. 
  2. Return any supplies borrowed.
  3. Keep information of volunteers for future cleanup events.
  4. Thank volunteers for their support and help.
  5. Return Disposal Coupon to Public Works.
  6. Complete online form

Post cleanup form