Renovation Begins at Dara Jones, Hope, and Bomber Athletic Fields

Published on May 24, 2024

Beginning Tuesday, May 28th, Dara Jones and Hope athletic fields in White Rock, and the Bomber athletic field in Los Alamos at North Mesa will be closed until the end of September. The field closures are required to begin the renovation project which will improve the playing surfaces of these fields to optimize the performance and safety for athletes.  

Renovations include laser grading and leveling the fields for drainage, installing new sod, replacing irrigation heads and testing the system, rebuilding pitchers' mounds, and installing new bases and anchors on softball and baseball fields.

The athletic field renovation project will bring about significant improvements and enhancements, including:

  • Quality Turf: The new turf will provide a consistent playing surface that meets the needs of various sports and activities, including soccer, football, lacrosse, baseball, and softball.\
  • Improved Playability: The new sod will address issues associated with the existing sod such as unevenness, wear and tear, and drainage problems that may have compromised the playability of the field. The new sod will offer a smooth and level surface, allowing athletes to perform at their best.
  • Enhanced Aesthetics: In addition to improving functionality, the new sod will enhance the aesthetic appeal of the sports field. The turf will create a visually pleasing environment for players, coaches, and spectators alike.

LA Landscaping and More was awarded the renovation contract. Additional information may be found on the Parks & Open Space Projects page.