County highlights benefits of asphalt and concrete recycling program

Published on January 19, 2024

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Los Alamos County Environmental Services Division, in partnership with contractor GM Emulsion, is excited to share information about the asphalt and concrete recycling program aimed at improving sustainable construction practices and environmental conservation. The initiative focuses on the collection, recycling, and resale of concrete and asphalt right here in Los Alamos at the Eco Station. 


About the Program: 

Environmental Conservation – The program is designed to contribute significantly to environmental conservation by promoting the recycling of construction materials. By recycling concrete and asphalt, the County aims to reduce the environmental impact associated with traditional disposal methods and decrease the demand for virgin materials.

Community Benefits – Our initiative extends its benefits to the local community by providing a designated space for the responsible disposal of asphalt and concrete waste. This not only helps in keeping the community clean but also offers a convenient and environmentally conscious solution for residents and businesses alike. 

Affordable Construction Materials – One of the key features of the program is the availability of recycled concrete and asphalt at a lower than market rate cost. This provides a cost-effective alternative for businesses, contractors, and individuals in need of high-quality construction materials for use as a fill material or foundation/base material for roads, driveways, sidewalks, and buildings. All materials are tested, and New Mexico Department of Transportation approved. By offering these materials at reduced rates, we aim to support local development projects while encouraging sustainable practices within the construction industry. 

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For those interested in participating in the program, Environmental Services encourages individuals, businesses, and contractors to reach out to GM Emulsion by calling 505-747-7700 for more details on drop-off locations, appointments for recycled material pick-up, pricing, and other program-related information and services offered.


You can also read this great article by Los Alamos National Laboratory to learn more about the impact this program is having locally.