Snapchat Video Contest for Teens and Young Adults

Published on July 30, 2024

Yellow flyer with the Snapchat ghost image centered in the page with text bubbles

Representatives from Los Alamos County Social Services, Courts, Los Alamos Public Schools, and JJAB invite teens and young adults to submit a 10-minute video explaining the "Ins and outs of Snapchat for parents." The video must be uploaded using Google forms at by August 16. The winner will receive a $100 gift card, and their video will be showcased and discussed in an educational workshop for parents and adults.

The video should be geared to educate parents and adults who are unfamiliar with Snapchat about the social media platform, explain its positive and negative effects on young people, and how to recognize signs that the platform may be causing mental distress.

Los Alamos County Social Services, Courts, Los Alamos Public Schools, and JJAB are hosting this contest as part of their Community Conversations series. These quarterly discussions are open to the public and focus on strategies for parents and those who work with children and teens to address mental health, substance abuse, and other issues affecting youth.

"We recognize that teens and young adults are the primary users of Snapchat, and their first-hand experience on the platform makes them subject matter experts," said Municipal Court Judge Elizabeth Allen. “Their perspective is invaluable.”

The winning video will be used as an educational tool at a Community Conversation about social media that will occur in the next few months.  The next Community Conversation will be focusing on having better conversations with the kids and teens in your life – and will be on September 5th from 6-7:30 p.m. at Fuller Lodge, 2132 Central Ave., Los Alamos.  Each attendee will get a toolkit to help with better conversations and receive information from local experts. 

For more information about the contest or the Community Conversation series, contact Juanita McNiel at