Guaje Pines Cemetery


Guaje Pines, a garden cemetery, is owned and operated by Los Alamos County and maintained by the Los Alamos County Parks and Open Space Division. The cemetery is located at the end of Range Road off Diamond Drive, about 2.2 miles from the intersection of Diamond and Trinity.


Purchase of Burial Plots and Spaces / Burial Arrangements

Please reach to the Parks Office at 505.662.8159 to book an appointment, or click the link below to submit your request online.



For fee structures questions please contact the cemetery administration at 505-663-1771.

Cemetery-Fee-Structure-2025.pdf(PDF, 208KB)

Floral Arrangement Policy

Cemetery Plot Decorations (In-Ground)

  1. Approved flower receptacles for graves include metal vases of a rust-resistant material or heavy-duty plastic.
  2. For the safety of all in the Cemetery, glass containers, statuary, tin or ceramic, terra cotta, exposed wire, balloons, pinwheels, sticks, pegs, rocks or breakable items are not allowed. The County has the right to remove any prohibited receptacle without prior notification. 
  3. No signs or advertising shall be permitted on any plot or within the Cemetery. 
  4. Planting of shrubs, trees, flowers or plants of any kind is prohibited on Cemetery grounds.
  5. The County reserves the right to remove all floral designs, flowers, or other items that become unsightly. 

Columbarium Floral and Decoration

  1. Memorials including, but not limited to, candles, decorative flags, stuffed animals, balloons, vases, etc., are not allowed. These items will be removed and discarded by County staff without notice. 
  2. Any mementos left at the columbarium must fit inside the vase provided for each niche. 
  3. Only vases approved by the County may be used for flowers that do not exceed the niche front. 
  4. No items may be hung from the vase to prevent damage to the granite plates or vase. 
  5. No tape, glue or other adhesives shall be used to attach anything to the granite. 
  6. Nothing may be placed, wedged or otherwise stuck between the niches. 
  7. While placing any decorations, visitors shall be respectful of neighboring columbaria. 

Headstones & Grave Marker Requirements

All permanent markers must be made of bronze, granite or marble and set flush to the ground.



View Guaje Pines Cemetery layout with search abilities for online plot records. 

Cemetery Map


Policies & Procedures

Guaje Pines Cemetery Rules and Regulations

Version PK_11 v1
Effective date: December 4, 2024
Approved by: Cory Styron, Community Services Director


These Policies and Procedures are developed to in accordance with Article II of Chapter 14 of the County Code of Ordinances pertaining to the operation of Guaje Pines Cemetery (“Cemetery”). Los Alamos County strives to ensure the proper care of the Cemetery and the safety of both visitors and employees at the Cemetery. The following procedures have been established to ensure consistent application of this policy.


The Community Services Director or designee is responsible for the implementation and management of this policy.


Domestic or pet animal” is defined in Section 6-1 of the County Code of Ordinances.

Interment” shall mean the permanent disposition of the remains of a deceased person by burial.

Inurnment” shall mean the permanent disposition of the cremated remains of a deceased person by burial.

Indigent County Decedent” shall mean an individual whose estate is insufficient to cover the cost of cremation and/or burial and whose recognized estate administrator or next of kin makes application for HCA Fund assistance for funerary expenses in which an eligible HCAP Provider has rendered services.

Lot” shall mean a platted lot within the cemetery.

Burial Space" shall mean a single space within a platted lot designed for the interment of one body.

Columbarium” shall mean a vault with niches for urns containing the ashes of cremated bodies

Niche” shall include a location within the columbarium vault designed to hold an urn containing the ashes of one cremated body.

Marker” is level with the ground and is placed at the foot of the grave. “Memorial” shall include a monument or marker.

Residency” may be proven through a New Mexico driver’s license or state issued identification showing a New Mexico address, a local utility bill (water, gas, electric, internet, satellite, cable – cell phone bills are not allowed), in the prospective buyer's name or an executed lease agreement or mortgage for a residence within the County or State of New Mexico. Documents listing a PO Box or HC address will not be valid. Printed or paperless statements on the above items are acceptable.

General Rules and Regulations
  1. The Community Services Director has the authority to waive cemetery fees based on community needs.
  2. The Community Services Director has the authority to waive cemetery fees (plot and burial) for Los Alamos and White Rock residence for infant services under six years of age.
  3. The cemetery office is located at 101 Camino Entrada, Building 5, Los Alamos, NM 87544. Office hours are from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. MST, Monday through Friday.
  4. The Cemetery Office will be closed, and interment services will not be scheduled on the following holidays:

    Official Holidays

    • New Years Day - January 1st
    • Martin Luther King Day – 3rd Monday in January
    • Presidents’ Day 3rd Monday in February
    • Memorial Day - Last Monday in May
    • Juneteenth Day – June 19
    • Independence Day - July 4th
    • Labor Day - 1st Monday in September
    • Indigenous Day – 2nd Monday in October
    • Veterans Day – 2nd Monday in November
    • Thanksgiving – 4th Thursday and Friday in November
    • Christmas - Christmas Eve & Day
    1. Children under twelve (12) years of age shall be supervised by an adult or guardian when on cemetery grounds.
    2. The County is not responsible for removal, theft, or damage to any personal property or floral arrangements left or placed within the Cemetery grounds.
    3. Los Alamos County reserves and shall have the right to correct any errors resulting from insufficient or incorrect instructions regarding the space, size, placement and location of a memorial within the lot where interment is requested in the Cemetery.
Grave Markers
  1. No marker shall be removed from the Cemetery, except by authorized County staff. A written request from the plot owner or immediate family or designee is required to remove or replace a headstone.
  2. Markers that are removed from the cemetery must be taken by family member(s) or designee, if the family declines ownership, written consent must be given to the County to properly dispose of the headstone. Temporary markers or memorials will not be replaced or repaired by the County if damaged or destroyed by normal wear and tear.
  3. The County has the right to remove any marker or other grave marking that poses an imminent safety hazard or has become damaged or vandalized, without prior notification. Notification prior to removal will be given whenever possible.
  4. Markers will be placed within (10) business days of receipt.
Interment and Disinterment
  1. Arrangement requests for interment require notice of at least two (2) business days. Services requested on Thursday or Friday may result in a Tuesday interment. Winter services may require additional time.
  2. The County shall not be responsible for damage to cremation containers or caskets during disinterment and reburial. The party requesting the disinterment shall be responsible for any damages and any costs relating to disinterment.
  3. Arrangement requests for disinterment require notice of at least five (5) business days, except in the case of emergency or court order.
  4. The County will place cremations at the cemetery that are received by mail, in person or through a carrier service within ten (10) business days of receipt. Remains will be placed sooner as time allows.
Grave Decorations
  1. Approved flower receptacles for graves include metal vases of a rust-resistant material or heavy-duty plastic.
  2. For the safety of all in the Cemetery, glass containers, statuary, tin or ceramic, terra cotta, exposed wire, balloons, pinwheels, sticks, pegs, rocks or breakable items are not allowed. The County has the right to remove any prohibited receptacle without prior notification.
  3. No signs or advertising shall be permitted on any plot or within the Cemetery.
  4. Planting of shrubs, trees, flowers or plants of any kind is prohibited on Cemetery grounds.
  5. The County reserves the right to remove all floral designs, flowers, or other items that become unsightly.
Columbarium Floral and Decoration
  1. Memorials including, but not limited to, candles, decorative flags, stuffed animals, balloons, vases, etc., are not allowed. These items will be removed and discarded by County staff without notice.
  2. Any mementos left at the columbarium must fit inside the vase provided for each niche.
  3. Only vases approved by the County may be used for flowers that do not exceed the niche front.
  4. No items may be hung from the vase to prevent damage to the granite plates or vase.
  5. No tape, glue or other adhesives shall be used to attach anything to the granite.
  6. Nothing may be placed, wedged or otherwise stuck between the niches.
  7. While placing any decorations, visitors shall be respectful of neighboring columbaria.
Volunteer Cemetery Clean Up
  1. The County will conduct a general cemetery clean-up twice a year where decorations will be removed and discarded. The scheduled clean-up dates are generally March 1 and October 1, which will be subject to change and are weather dependent. Decorations will not be removed from recent grave sites.
  2. The removal of memorial decorations from graves is prohibited except for County staff performing their duties or the immediate family or their designee.
Cemetery Grounds Maintenance
  1. Unless otherwise authorized by the County, no persons shall be allowed to perform any work within the Cemetery.
  2. During mowing operations, decorations may be moved aside and then replaced in their original location.
  3. During the winter months (December 1 – March 31) burials and the placement of in-ground markers will be limited. When the air temperature has been below 32 degrees for 72 consecutive hours or longer, services may be halted until weather conditions improve. Burial services will be offered when weather conditions allow.
  4. Columbarium services will be offered year-round.
Interment of Cremated Domestic or Pet Animal Remains
  1. The cremated remains of a domestic or pet animal may be interred in the Cemetery at the time of interment of its human owner’s remains in a grave or niche.
  2. Except as provided above, animals are prohibited from being interred in the Cemetery.




Guaje Pines Cemetery, 901 Range Road, Los Alamos, NM 87544  View Map

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