Business Hours 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Apply for a building permit, renew a business license, pay invoices, request inspections, search public records, and get an estimate of a fee here.
"Any person, group, organization, business or entity proposing to engage in business within the County and that is required by the state to pay gross receipts taxes on its business is required to apply for a business registration or business license and pay the applicable fee." (Los Alamos Code of Ordinances, Chapter 12)
Utility customers interested in adding solar panels to their rooftops will find considerations, necessary steps, and permitting information here.
Information regarding additions and changes to the utility infrastructure on your property
Permits for recreation in Los Alamos County
Traffic & Streets Permits in Los Alamos County include essential applications for roadway modifications and safety. The Curb Cut/Driveway Apron/Excavation Application is required for any work affecting curbs, driveway aprons, or street excavations, ensuring compliance with county standards. The Traffic Impedance (Barricading) permit is needed for activities that block or impede traffic.
The Planning Division serves in an advisory role to appointed and elected officials in providing professional review, analysis, and recommendations regarding land use-related matters. Applications for all land use requests are on this page.
The Building Safety Division administers the building codes within the County and enforces quality development improvements and property maintenance standards within the community.
A historic preservation advisory board advises the planning and zoning commission and county council. The board reviews any modifications made to historic sites in the county and this page has applications for modifications on structures located in a historic district.