A Housing Market Needs Analysis was completed in December 2019 to provide the County information on community housing needs and preferences. The study was implemented as part of Council's 2019 strategic goals for housing. This includes a variety of housing options for all segments of the community, from affordable, entry-level, and live-work housing to new options for those interested in downsizing or moving closer to central areas of the community. Sites Southwest Consulting performed the study including several outreach activities for community input and to collect needed market data. The study concluded an acute housing shortage and identified immediate need for additional home and rental units to serve all market segments. Key findings also identified high unmet demand for middle- to higher-density homes for the workforce, students, and seniors such as town homes, duplexes and small-scale apartment buildings. Recommendations included development of sites close to existing infrastructure, developing strategies for higher density housing and mixed-use development in Los Alamos and White Rock town centers, and working with LANL and the School District on transportation and other redevelopment plans.