Cone Zone Updates

Cone Zone

Get all the latest updates for projects, road construction, and special events. Click on the project accordions below to see active projects. Click into the project to see how they are progressing and if they will impact you! Active projects will be updated weekly.

Services such as mail delivery, trash and recycling collection, and emergency services will be maintained for each project. Residents and businesses will often experience large equipment and construction noise.

Motorists and pedestrians are advised to always use caution and slow down around construction activities and avoid entering work zones outside of designated detour paths.

Projects are listed under the project management team overseeing them. If you do not see what you are looking for, check the other accordions or feel free to use the search function above. Cone Zone updates are also available on the individual project pages.

Capital Improvement Project Updates

Capital Improvement Projects: 

Los Alamos County Public Works' staff manages the projects listed in this section through contractors. For more information, please email, call (505)662-8150, or visit the "Projects/Public Works" link at Please slow down and use caution within the construction work zones. Please note the below information is based on a schedule provided by the contractors and may change due to weather or other delays. 

Updated March 14, 2025


Traffic and Streets Project Updates

Updated March 21, 2025

Traffic & Streets projects:

Los Alamos County Traffic & Streets Division staff manages the projects listed in this section. Please slow down and use caution within the construction work zones. Call Daniel Blea, Traffic and Streets Manager, for concerns 505-662-8112. 

Sidewalk and Landscaping Work on Central Ave.

Work along Central Ave. will begin on Wednesday, March 12 at the parking lot at Central and 20th St., across from the U.S. Post Office at the orange barricades. The old parking lot entrance in this location will be closed and the County will be working within the right-of-way to extend the sidewalks and landscaping to provide continuous pedestrian access.


Utilities Project Updates

Utilities Projects 

Los Alamos County Dept. of Public Utilities (DPU) staff manages the projects listed in this section. Please slow down and use caution within the construction work zones. Contact the Customer Care Center (505)662-8333,, or visit  


Community Broadband Network Updates

Updated March 21, 2025

Residents may notice crews and trucks from Kelly Cable continue working in the North Community and Western Area neighborhoods as part of the initial phase of Los Alamos County’s Community Broadband Network project. These teams will assess existing county-owned conduit infrastructure for possible use with the CBN through April 2, working Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

While we expect minimal impacts, we kindly ask residents to avoid parking in work zones and follow these guidelines when crews are present:

  • Park in driveways whenever possible.
  • If parking on the street, use the opposite side from where crews are working.
Where and When Will Crews Be Working?

The tentative work schedule for March 26-April 2 is as follows (subject to change):

March 26-28  & March 31-April 2  

  • Club Rd. from Diamond Dr. to Arizona Ave. (park on the east side)
  • Woodland Rd. from Arizona Ave. to Club Rd. (park on the south side)
  • Arizona Ave. from Woodland Rd. to 45 St. (park on the south side)
  • Arizona Ave. from Club Rd. to Woodland Rd. (park on the north side)
  • 35th St. from Arizona Ave. to Diamond Dr. (park on the west side)
  • 36th St. from Arizona Ave. to Diamond Dr. (park on the west side)
  • Alabama Ave. from 45th St. to Diamond Dr. (park on the south/west side)
  • Diamond Dr. between Alabama Ave. and 35th St. (the southbound bicycle lane and the traffic lane adjacent to it will be closed throughout portions of the workday)
  • 45th St., White St., and 47th St. between Arizona Ave. and Urban St. (park on the west side)
  • 45th St. and 46th St. north and south of Urban St. (park on the West side)
  • 48th St. between Yucca St. and Urban St. (park on the east side)
  • Urban St. between N Rd. and 47th St. (park on the north side)
  • 46th St. between 45th St./Yucca St. and White St. (park on the east side)
  • Yucca St. between 46th St./Arizona Ave. and 48th St. (park on the east side)

We appreciate your patience and cooperation as we work toward bringing high-speed broadband to the community!


Non-County Project Updates and Road Impacts

Updated March 21, 2025

Non-County Projects:

The following construction project are not funded by Los Alamos County. Updates are included to keep residents informed of potential traffic impacts. Questions should be directed to the parties identified within each description. Please obey all traffic devices and slow down in work zones. 

Hill Apartments and the Realignment of 35th Street at Trinity Drive (NM-502)/Pavilion Construction

Construction activities are almost completed on the south side of Trinity Drive near the new 35th St. intersection. Installation of the Rectangular Rapid-Flashing Beacon (RRFB) at the pedestrian crosswalk will be constructed later in the month.  Traffic Control devices will be set up for minor pavement corrections for a limited time periods to protect the workers while both eastbound and westbound lanes will remain open.

Motorists and bicyclists will be asked to share the road when asked. Both sidewalks are open.

All questions, concerns, or special access needs should be sent to Pavilion Construction at 469-907-6045.