O2-Landscaping Material

Landscape Materials Available at the Eco Station

The Los Alamos County (LAC) Eco Station provides a variety of landscape materials to residents and non-residents. Currently, Environmental Services offers yard trimming mulch, pallet mulch, and compost. From time to time, fill dirt is available. When customers bring in clean dirt, the Eco Station will allow customers to collect it.

Asphalt millings and crushed concrete is not sold through Environmental Services. It is sold through GM Emulsion who can be contacted at 505-471-9981.

All landscape materials at the Eco Station are FREE if customers load it themselves. The Eco Station offers a loading service for compost $5.00 (plus tax) per cubic yard, there is no charge for loading mulch. Remember to bring a tarp, there is a requirement for customers to tarp their landscape material before leaving the facility. Payment can be accepted in the form of cash, card, checks, and if you are a LAC resident the cost can be charged to your utility bill.

If you would like to pick up or have the landscape material loaded, please go through the scale house and the scale house operator will help you through the process. The Eco Station is open Monday through Friday 8:00 am to 4:15 pm and Saturday through Sunday 9:00 am to 4:15 pm. The loading service is offered every day until 3:00 pm.

Below are the landscape materials offered at the Eco Station and what they are made of:



Compost is comprised of 25% bio solids (waste sludge from Los Alamos County Wastewater Treatment Plant), 25% stable waste (horse manure from the LAC stables), and 50% yard trimmings (tree trimmings, leaves, grass clippings, etc. collected at the Eco Station.) Please call 505-662-8163 to make sure we have compost in stock. It is in very high demand and it does take a few weeks to make more.

For more information about compost, view the compost certification letter(PDF, 621KB).



Yard Waste Mulch

Yard Trimming Mulch that customers pick up is made from grinded yard trimmings (tree trimmings, leaves, grass clippings, weeds, etc. collected at the Eco Station. Environmental Services staff removes as much contamination (trash) as possible, however, some unwanted material may still remain.



Pallet Mulch

The pallet mulch that customers pick up is made from pallets brought in from residents and businesses. The pallets are then grinded*, by Environmental Service’s employees, into wood chips into a pile for customers to come and collect. The pallet mulch is used mainly for aesthetics for the yard. The pallet mulch is more of a tan, brown color.


*During the grinding process, the grinder does collect most of the nails with a magnet attached to the tool. There may be a few nails in the pile.*