Emergency Management

Emergency Management image showing the four elements of response, recovery, preparedness and mitigation.

Welcome to the County Office of Emergency Management (OEM) web page. OEM helps enhance public safety by assisting and collaborating other County departments and local, regional, state and federal organizations for disaster preparedness, mitigation, response and recovery. OEM provides resources for preparedness for weather, fire, pandemic and other emergencies within and around the Los Alamos and White Rock area, as well as emergency information and links to sign up for Code Red alerts and the Code Red mobile app.


Working to Protect the Community

Emergency Management works closely with a wide variety of organizations for the safety and management of emergency operations within or impacting Los Alamos County to help protect those who live, work, and visit here, including:

  • New Mexico Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management (DHSEM)
  • LANL Emergency Management
  • Los Alamos Medical Center
  • Los Alamos Public Schools
  • The American Red Cross
  • Los Alamos Amateur Radio Club
  • All County departments 

Working with the Los Alamos National Laboratory

Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), which is located within county boundaries, is its own separate entity. LANL is required by the Department of Energy (DOE) and the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) to have emergency plans for incidents or emergencies that happen anywhere within the Lab or on DOE/NNSA property. LANL is not required or authorized to respond to emergencies or disasters that do not originate or take place on DOE/NNSA property within Los Alamos County. Visit the Los Alamos National Laboratory's Emergency Communication webpage to learn how to stay informed.

In the event of a disaster, catastrophic emergency or event which engages both LAC and LANL, both entities would operate under Unified Command to protect lives, property and the environment.

Emergency Management Projects

  • Revising the all-hazards emergency operations plan.
  • Expanding means of alerting the community in the event of a disaster, educating the public on emergency preparedness.
  • Using federal homeland security and emergency planning funds to improve the County’s overall disaster and terrorism preparedness. 

Emergency Operations Plan and Hazard Mitigation Plan

Los Alamos County is required by State and Federal laws to have an Emergency Operations Plan (EOP)(PDF, 3MB) . The EOP provides the framework for how the County will respond to and manage any disaster or emergency that affects the County.

The County is also required to maintain its Hazard Mitigation Plan(PDF, 5MB) . The purpose of hazard mitigation is to reduce or eliminate long-term risk to people and property from hazards. The plan is approved by FEMA and NMDHSEM, allowing the County to apply for Hazard Mitigation grant funds as needed.

Emergency Operations Plan and Response Kit

LAC Emergency Operations Plan outlines the foundation for all disaster and emergency preparedness, response, and short-term recovery operations conducted within the County of Los Alamos.

72 Hour Kit Emergency Response 

Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment(PDF, 624KB)

The Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA) provides a comprehensive overview of assessed risks and associated impacts for Los Alamos County.